Sunday 13th June 2021
Lake Gwelup Reserve, Gwelup
Feature photo snapped by Toby Brown
A terrific fast flowing course out at Lake Gwelup and wonderful to see so many new racers at this event. We also welcomed seven 4Five+ women who came to learn some cx‘y skills and then had a turn on the course for a lap of wonder. Thanks Vanessa Johnson for organising and encouraging new racers to come and try out cx.
A big shout out to our course builders, but also the marshals for your assistance today. It is greatly appreciated – without our volunteers cyclocross would cease to be.
Congrats to all riders who took on the challenge and raced hard, and to those that support and cheer everyone on. CX is an inclusive and family friendly event thanks to you all.
Next event sees us at Claremont Showgrounds for a new and challenging course (SuperCross – Saturday 19th June). You won’t want to miss it!
We had an issue with the chip reader during the kids race, so no timing this week. Apologies!
Links to the published albums of the photographers that were in attendance at the race can be found below. You’ll also find these, and a range of other race photos and videos, posted on the WA Cyclocross Facebook group.