Saturday 13th November 2021
Gloucester Park, East Perth
Graeme Brown Gravel Cross at Gloucester Park was a fabulous event that treated the spectators to some great racing, especially when graced by the presence of several former road amd track national, Olympic and world champions!
Thank you to Graeme Brown for supporting the vision, Darrell Slater from Slater Air for his generous sponsorship of the event, and Cameron from Pedalare for their generous donations of prizes.
We were entertained not only by great racing, but a fireworks display during the big race, which added atmosphere from the expert commentary of Matt Poyner.
Thanks to all that helped build the course and chipped in with pack-down on the night, and to the usual suspects of Ian ‘Tugger’ Trayler, Ben Nash and Ashley Williams for the final clean up the following morning.
WACX is over and out for 2021. See you next year!
N.B. Lap times may look strange for some competitors, depending on which reader picked up their timing chip.
Links to the published albums of the photographers that were in attendance at the race can be found below. You’ll also find these, and a range of other race photos and videos, posted on the WA Cyclocross Facebook group.